Wednesday, March 12, 2008

About people

It has never been this painful, but I think experiencing pain is necessary in life. That's because there're lots of things you'll never know if you haven't experience pain. And I think I'm seeing things differently now.

I'm beginning to accept the harsh side of life. Everyone that's close to you would leave you someday, either by choice or by circumstances. There's no one to truly rely on, no bond that's forever and nobody who will always be there for you. And the sad fact is, the closer you are to someone, the more painful it's going to be for you.

But all of us need to feel close right? so how can that work if everyone is just going to part? It seems like we just have to learn to let go of people and then find new ones to invest our emotions in. And we do this over and over again so that it seems like our lives are filled with love and joy.

And then we forget the feelings we have for people who were there in our lives, because remembering them means we're not moving on.

That's how it is


Anonymous Anonymous said...

quite upset actually seeing your post. life is indeed cruel and yet still have to move on....

7:28 AM  
Blogger Flying Pushcart said...

yup..... cruel and harsh...

11:10 AM  

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