Saturday, February 21, 2009

A decade ago, a mobile pager that was able to receive single line text messages was a very amazing thing. It was very hard to imagine that 10 years from then, the mobile world would evolve beyond recognition.

In more than one way, people and machines are getting more connected. The IP cameras that are replacing the analogue cameras are able to stream highly compressed videos over the wireless backbone, allowing common folks to access camera views on their mobile phones. One such app for iphone allows users to retrieve snapshots from the EMAS to monitor the traffic.

The GPS is no longer just a navigation system. It can be used by health apps to monitor running distance and speed and the app will convert the data to info on calories burned.

Couple that with dietary calculators, you now have a personal training coach that is watching your progress.

Remember the time when you have to rely on floor traders to shout under the giant electronic charts to place your stock orders? They went out of job a few years ago when the internet took over. And now everyone is able to chart out their analysis on the mobile phone.

Entertainment? Talk about movies, music, blogs, games and the new networking applications. Fun can be anywhere. But I must admit that the games for window mobile is really being under utilized. A platform like that can do much better.

And very soon, remote control features such as accessing VPN on your pc in real time. Opening gate access from remote positions. Heating up your food before you even reach home.

The mobile world is just too exciting. I'm looking forward to see how the world will change with this.


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