Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In the crowded Acoustic where the band was playing, my exchange with a business contact was somewhat peculiar.

"We went to the same school in the same year!" He exclaimed.

My business contact was a seasoned drinker, danced with a burning cigarette and apparently feeling very comfortable in a local pub. Afterall, he's been in Vietnam long enough to feel that way.

"And I've been working in Shanghai and KL for a year each"

Prior to this, I was convinced that success comes with age. It's not realistic to be thinking (even thinking) about talking business to business men who have been in the field for decades. I considered myself lucky to be providing support and learning under one of them who's just 10 years senior. I thought my exposure was defintely going to direct me in the right direction. If I'm learning from a person who's 10 years my senior, I probably might just reach there in 10 years.

And this person I'm talking with is someone who is born in the same year as me.

From an engineering point of view, it's proven that things can definitely be faster.


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