Saturday, May 24, 2008

The thing about uncertainty

I'm blogging this in a semi self mocking mood.

I must have mentioned this before. Recent encounters made me realise that life is full of uncertainties and I actually am seeing some fun in it. I've been trying to gain control and evaluate where every step will lead to, but you know, when you ask questions like "what happens if i do this and this?" You'll probably get a lot more questions than when you started. So sometimes I just take that step and then see where it leads me to. Damn fun.

Recently I had this conversation with a friend, though I can't remember who. I told him wouldn't it be good to have someone who will tell you exactly where every step will lead to, like a mentor in life? My friend said this which really made sense. "You'll hate that person forever"

So ya, your life is yours to live and the possibilities are there for your to explore on your own.


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