Wednesday, August 20, 2008

2 years

What is 2 years to you?

I've never given it much thought in the past. But looking back at where I stand in every 2 years, I realise that 2 years can really make a lot of difference. And most of the time it's so different that you cannot associate the lifestyles at all. Only that the differences are not really planned, not deliberate and things just change without being even noticed.

And I'm done looking backwards. I want to look forward now and plan for where I want to be in the next 2 years. I can't be just a passenger riding on chances. I know this is probably the most critical 2 years in my life.

In many areas I'm really short sighted and myopic. I was never a patient person and I didn't believe in delayed gratification. But then, I always know the biggest success in life cannot be rushed for. So this time, I'll work steadily towards it and I'll let nothing distract me.

2 years later... Zhongyi will be very different again, except this time he has planned for it.


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