Thursday, August 07, 2008

About purpose?

I've been thinking about this since I was really young. Is there a higher purpose in life other than purely surviving and procreating? If yes, what is it? Enlightenment? Bettering mankind? love? Wealth? Or simply do good and feel happy about it at your deathbed? All of these can be profound yet shallow depending on how u look at them.

And then as I grow, I realised that maybe there isn't a single universal purpose. Everyone seems to have the choice to decide on what they ought to do and how they can feel accomplished about their lives. That said, many don't get to live it. And many others feel misguided after a period of time. So sometimes it felt like we're making a blind guess and hope we hit jackpot.

You know, life is very amazing. Its complexity suggests that its origin is unlikely to have caused by a random mixture of events. However, when you look at things such as cockroaches that go around feeding of scraps and laying eggs. You'll start wondering where this everlasting lineage is heading?

Same for men. Yes, we do improve our brains. But at the end of it, what for? When we finally can hit the speed of light and time travel; or have all the answers the universe hold; or hold the capacity to shower everyone with love and care. Then what?

I know this is bo liao in the midst of a tender submission. But it does make some sense right?

probably that's why lots of people want to believe in afterlife. It can't just end here right?


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