Wednesday, July 23, 2008

About last wednesday

Life is a long journey. And in this long journey, we make many milestones.

Last wednesday was a day with many milestones. The most important one, which was also the most boring one, was my convocation. It was a long afternoon dragging a long blue gown around and making sure that the funny mushroom shaped hat won't fall off. And we stoned for 2 hours waiting for 500 other people in blue gown to receive the cover for their certificate.

What a waste of half day leave. But then again, they say this only happens once in a life time so I'd better be there.

I've been reading about the inspiring commencement speeches given by Steve Job and JK Rowling. Of course I didn't expect someone like them to come to my convocation, but the person they invited wasn't someone whom 99% of us knew. Having said that, he did give a rather inspiring speech because he quoted from Steve Job and JK Rowling. haha.

Something which appeared to be more original was this:

If we look around us, we are like little speckle of dust on this small island, which is a little dot on the globe, which is just a little blue marble in the solar system, which is a collection of little rocks in the boundless universe. From this, we know how small we are.

But there's a catch.

We also know how big we are when we look around. Each one of us is unique. We can never find another person who is exactly the same. We are all gifted differently and we can contribute to mankind in different ways.

So it is up to us how big we want to be. A small speckle of dust can improve the whole of mankind. It can change the world, travel into space and discover the secrets of the universe and life itself.

Something along this line...

The second milestone on that day, which may appear to be insignificant compared to my convo but it's much more interesting... is the Dark Knight!!! Hahaha. After reading so much about how good it is, I finally got a chance to watch it and it's really quite good. 4.5 stars!!! I'm keeping half a star cos they changed rachel dawes.


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