Sunday, January 09, 2005


今天风和日丽, 辛福的阳光照射着整片大地,到处充满着春天的气息。就连平时贪睡的我也不由至嘱从被窝里爬出来,感受着美好的一刻。

... too troublesome. I'll do that again when i'm really free....

sch term has started and it is a busy term for me. I could hardly breathe last week and that wasn't even the full impact. With the tutorials, labs and competitions starting this week, i think i can forget about breathing at all. Oh yes... i have countless meetings too...

BUT THEN... it's strange how my world changed. Like friends becoming very supportive, making many new friends, work and studies going smoothly, and ntu seems to be full of pleasant looking girls suddenly. Life is full of hopeful events.