Monday, April 25, 2005

MOVIES marathon

wwwoooooooohhooooooooooo.... Exams have ended, except for effective comm which is not possible to fail and cinematics which is not possible to score. This marks the end of the academic year unofficially! No more equations, no more maths, no more periodic table, no more early mornings!!!

I spent the first day of freedom watching movies. JJ brought in the original version of shaolin soccer, the one with the dancing scene that was cut off from the screenings in cinemas. Shaolin soccer is still as entertaining even though I've already seen it 4 or 5 times. JJ's cinematic lecturer told him that stefan chow has created a new genre, wu li tou. It means the plot in the movie does not follow normal logic like all other movies do. Things in the movie happen for no reason at all. And that is best illustrated by the dancing scene, where everyone in the movie just danced for no reason. The guy who leads the dancing is also the guy who showed his buttcrack in kungfu hustle, acting as the same retard. I think he deserves to win some award.

The other movie is The pacifier. That's the 1st movie i watched in the cinema this year, and it's also my favourite movie this year. Apart from the funny, comical bits that i've expected, this movie is also very heart warming. At one point of time i had to hold back my tears. I don't know if it's because i'm behaving oddly recently or it's really the movie. JJ and chiwai just said it was funny. But all agreed that it is a good movie.

NOw that i'm back in hall, I have the extended version of Lord of Ring which i was not able to finish during exams period... 13 more cds left to go, it's like a series more than a movie.

After the LOTR, i have one week to catch up on the movies i'm supposed to watch for my cinematics paper. Ali, rashomon, 12th storey, all that heaven allows, wizard of oz, Dr strangelove... blah blah blah. I wonder why JJ's cinematics is so different from mine. He studies the cultural background, while I have to memorize terms. He only needs to pen down his opinion on the movies, while i need to remember the names of the character without the need to analyse.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. ยป

7:13 AM  

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