Peeping tom Alert
Uncle.... Dabao one module of maths and chemistry please.... maybe physics too??? i don't know lah... arrgggggg....
Digressed... back to the topic
I was intrigued by the msn nicknames of my blockmates.
ALERT!theres an idiotic peeping tom in hall! gals,take note & its not a scam! he might have struck again
the peeping tom might have struck again just now... girls beware!!!
Be careful everyone, a peeping tom has been reported in hall... and it's not me
It all seemed to be a joke to me until one of my blockmates verified the correctness of this piece of information. Also, the matter has been brought to the hall officer's attention and she has sent an email to warn everyone about this peeping tom accordingly. Funny thing is that this peeping tom has been going back to peep at the same girl despite having the matter blown up, and he's still not caught.
Even though I recognise the fact that all kinds of people exist, and that this is certainly a perverse world, I can't imagine anyone would go out of the way and risk getting caught just to peep. In the first place, peeping from the gap under the door arouses suspicion easily. Also, what can you possibly see from that angle? I despise the stupidity of the culprit more than his petty crimes.
My blockmate told me that the peeping tom is making all of them very paranoid now. I consoled her with my suggestion that the peeping tom is more likely a stalker than a peeping tom attacking at random, which explains why he peeped at the same girl despite having caught once. She said that the girls still feel uneasy with that guy lurking around. They had blocked the gaps with cardboards but were too affected to concentrate on studying for the remaining papers. I couldn't say anything to help except to ask her to be more careful. I know things are always easy for third parties to say.
Apparently oblivious to the girls, this peeping incident affects the guys as well. Now that the peeping tom is not being identified, all of us carry a certain amount of suspicion against ourselves. My blockmate said the person must be too stressed up to resort to peeping like this, which goes to show that they don't rule out the possibility that an insider is involved. Also, too many things happen recently for the boys to sleep in peace. First the stolen shoes incident, and now this.
My advice, be it to the girls or boys, latch your door when you're going to sleep, keep all the valuables inside the room, and don't leave your key at the keyhole (somebody is fond of doing this). We'll look out (not in that peeping sense) for one another.
eh... at least people arent falling out of 3rd storey windows like at pgp...
what is pgp???
prince georges park residences. a hall in nus where i'm at now.
nus has nice names for its halls. ntu halls are merely numbered one to 15.
but why are people falling out of the window?? r u one of them?
Looking for information and found it at this great site... ยป
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