Saturday, February 25, 2006


It was the girls campcraft competition today. Like a curse, the flagpole fell like it did last week. This time it landed on one of the girls' head instead. Confusion followed. Some girls ran to the injured person, some tried to salvage the fallen flagpole and some frantically running to call help. The CI in charge of the lot was too busy to notice the drama until the spectators shouted for medic. Blood. Collapsed structure. Casualty. Competition. Tears. Laughter. Cheers. Noises. screams. Everything was a blur.

When we managed to extricate ourselves from the mess, we were glad that help was around. The girl had to be sent to a hospital for checkup. There were many encouraging people around, particularly Jitjin who walked all the way to find us and asked how things were. Miss Loy was also very concerned as she went all the way to the hospital after the competition. There were a few others who gave encouraging words, offered tissue papers, gave warm hugs to the girls; all appreciated.

The girls pushed on after the setback and erected the flagstaff and the gadget. The shelter was broken beyond repair. All of them were sobbing as they waited for the judges to assess their work. Some of them sad because of guilt and some because they felt pity. It is good that they managed to gather enough strength to do a good presentation.

Last week at the boys training, I felt very bad because I thought I wasn't very involved in their trainings. This week, I felt that the structures being presented didn't do justice to the girls. I know the girls trained very hard; many other people were there to make sure that they get the best trainings. I always believe that hardwork will lead to success, and I wanted the juniors to believe that too. But things are not always predictable; mishaps do happen.

Every experience is worth a lesson. I thought today's lesson was too harsh for the girls. It required stronger faith that hardwork is necessary, because it doesn't always return a favourable outcome. It also required them to learn to pick themselves up after they fall. All these were told to them, but the tears blocked some of their mind and I can only hope they figure these out themselves.

I realise there's something that is common between all NPCC people. The girls insisted they need to visit Humaira at the hospital, which I of course could not comply. They felt very sad upon hearing that and insisted they want to wait outside for her at the hospital. This isn't exactly team spirit or compassion. I can't find a word for this, but it's something that warms the heart greatly.

I like NPCC so much; sometimes I learn new things and sometimes I see fragments of my past.

I brought the whole team to Novena square. Felix and Alson bought cakes for the girls to cheer up. I left the team there with Liqi and I excused myself to KK Hospital, secretly. Mr Shun had already rushed there before me. The girl seemed ok except that she had to attend ENT appointments to be sure.

I think I'll follow up on these people. I see potentials in them that can be developed.