Monday, May 08, 2006

first day of DIP

Today is the first day of DIP. I managed to stay awake throughout the orientation lecture even though I was lacking in sleep. My DIP group consists of 21 people, 20 of which are guys. The only friend I have in the group was involved in a car accident (thankfully he did not sustain any injury) and hence my greatest challenge of the day was to get to know the team members.

Then the prof came in and decided to speak to us in Numbers. It sounded something like this:" First, we 345 the 6765 which has 8 AMD945 that links to 456 and 2 G567 which has 5 other 567 which we can use for 234 which is 38473 and 83749023794823904sfe 8902384378978973378927893389070273172 ." Translating it to any known human language, it would be :"?????????????????????????????????????????????!"

Anyway, we were split into smaller groups and my group has been tasked to design a program that will translate the gamepad input into useful waveforms that will be sent out by the ethernet router. Spent the whole day trying to find the solution but we did not have luck.

At night, I went to Hwee Yin's party with Darren. The whole chalet was filled with girls, which was so different from experience in the day. I was almost moved to tears. However, we didn't stay very long because we really don't know the people there.

So I'm back home now, preparing for another long day tomorrow.


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