Monday, June 23, 2008

:) ....

I'm given the chance to go into this industry afterall. Although the technology is still pretty much at its infact stage, I cannot see a reason why it'll not be big in the near future. I'm glad that I can be part of this growth.

So that concludes my job hunt. I'm very pleased that I have this offer and I'll work hard in this. I don't know why, but computer vision systems interest me very much. Maybe it's because we're re-creating the human perception on computer systems. Or maybe because there're lots of problems solving involved. I get so thrilled knowing that I'll be working in this field soon.

And kelvin mentioned that he played a big part in this because he was the one who asked me to take up the project and he was the person who told me about the company. Very true. Sometimes small decisions like these lead to the big things in life. So probably that's what it means by making big impact by doing small things.

More updates on wednesday after I talk with the company.


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