Tuesday, June 03, 2008

This whole week is going to be eventful. I have a whole series of interviews to attend, some goods to rush, results releasing on thursday, and then there's my trip to Shanghai on saturday. Ahhh...... can't wait till saturday!!!!! I'm really expecting to gain some new perspectives in this trip.

Just regretting that the trip is rather short. Should really have planned for a longer one.

On another matter, I feel my patience is running thin and I wonder if this is my problem. I really can't keep making my time free when I'm just being slotted into the free time and am always the first to be pushed away. Or am I holding unreasonable expectations and there isn't really anything to be pissed about? There's so much waiting and I don't want to allow myself in that position anymore. There're so many important things I need to do.

And I'm not pissed, I just don't like the treatment. But then it gives me a clearer picture on where I'm standing so that's actually a good thing. At least I know how to adjust my expectations and gradually reduce this senseless reliance I have.


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