Saturday, June 28, 2008

Humans will tend to avoid having cognitive dissonance. We call this the rule of consistency. This may involve building defences for conflicting beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence that the contrary in true. Hence, human beings are born to be stubborn in this sense.

Strangely, I thought I am less of a stubborn person because I can always shape my beliefs when they do not comply with reality, but the personanlity test I did in Keyence told me that I am more stubborn than average people. Arg, another dissonance!

It's going to be 7am now and this will be the time I'll be waking for work everyday. Not too bad since I get to wake after the sun, which is quite unimaginable if I work elsewhere. Haha. Everything about the job sounds too good for me.

Well, the thing about waking is that there's a period of time when the conscious starts drifting, and somehow I always see unpleasant images during that time. What I learned is how not to let it affect the rest of the day.

I think I'm actually quite adaptable


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