Thursday, April 06, 2006

NTUNPCC unit dinner

This evening we had our first unit dinner in the year. For some reasons, Kenneth kept telling me how long it had been since we last met and that made me puzzled because I won't consider half a year to be a long time. Of course, I picked up the sarcasm after remembering we're course mates and we're supposed to see each other every school day, that's if I go to school.

Why spend 4 hours and $5 on travelling for a lecture you won't understand?

That aside, I witnessed something very amazing. I was talking to the ever smiling Peiling regarding icantrememberwhat and before I realised, 8 other guys were talking to her at the same time. The entire session, Peiling had this group surrounding her and she managed to attract everyone's attention. The best thing is she did not even realise that she was the focus of attention. I suspect it's her smile that makes her so pleasant. She always come to mind when I think of the word "Charisma".

Peiling is the role model to look up to when you're talking about interacting with people.


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