Saturday, May 13, 2006


According to the dashboard, this is my 200th entry!!! woohoo

Ok. First, I'll talk about my programming project. We had a big breakthrough on wednesday after spending hours tracing libraries in the sample program. It was like walking in a big maze, there were programs within programs, libraries inside libraries. Finally, we found the function we needed just before Gary showed us that the computer has an auto-tracing function. Nonetheless, it is still a GREAT breakthrough and human beings will always remember that wednesday.

My DIP group is going the right direction. The first day everyone tried to look busy but now nobody bothers to act anymore. We have coffee break after tea break before we go for lunch. And the best thing is we manage to produce results. This, I feel, we have the direct-intake people to thank. They know much more than we do. Hopefully the following weeks will be as slack.

I have those things called corns? on my foot. I feel the pain whenever press my left foot on the ground. So on thursday, I went to the school clinic to see the doc. She assured me that it's a very common thing and the treatment is painless. She also assured me that I can resume my normal activities during the period of treatment. That gave me great relief. However, the actual treatment involved a nurse cutting up the infected area, which was quite deep into the skin, and freezed up the wound. The process wasn't painful, but walking home was. So was playing basketball on friday. I have to attend 2 other sessions. The good thing is the nurses there are very friendly. They chatted with me while my skin was being cut away.

I'm so tempted to upload a pic of my foot...

And my mother suggested it may be diabetes, which starts rotting from the feet. Damn scary. I'm taking too much sweet things.

Exciting things are coming. LMSC and ATC in june, FOC in July. I'm looking forward to the NPCC FOC because this is the first one ever in history, so we're putting in every effort to make this successful. I'm also asked to join hall camp even though I'm not in hall anymore, but I got to check if the kahkis are going.

Yes. I'm also signing up a 3 month membership to a gym to make myself go regularly. Since I can't run these few weeks, this has to be the solution. Gym kahkis?