Thursday, May 18, 2006


今天躺在病床上, 少了像上礼拜的闲聊。因为护士得专注,而我也得忍痛。今次好像比上次挖得深,脚板不停的流血。

回到试验室,得知 labmates 在我不在时有了突破,发现了伟大的事迹。

Labmate A: we've discovered that putting the 9v battery terminals on your tongue won't kill you, it'll just give you a little shock. Want to try?

Me: What? why do you want to do that?

Labmate A: Must always try new things mah. Try leh.

Me: Try to drink shampoo lah.

Labmate B: Shampoo is bitter.