Thursday, August 25, 2005

In a lousy mood tonight

I don't know which is affecting me more, the solemn event just now, the realisation that I've neglected my work, my father's health, or unpleasant friendships.

The whole of hall one gathered at canteen one just now. The usual laughters were replaced with stern expressions. The usual greetings were replaced by awkward smiles. Fengji's departure has left everyone heavyhearted, regardless of how close we are. It reminds us that coping with Death is part of living. Even though we claim to know it, experiencing it brings along a totally different level of understanding. I just saw him 2 days ago, and now he's not around anymore. Life's as unpredictable as that.

It disturbs me greatly that the unit in my alma mater seems to be moving in a wrong direction. CIs are organisers of school events and the HOs are supervisors. I've just realised how dangerous this can be. CIs and HOs are merely volunteers, and they should be advisors. Ultimately, the school has to entrust its students to perform their tasks. I'm afraid over-reliance will be bad for the school in the long run. Alumni will find other life outside, and they can't be as driven as the present batch.


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