My dream gadgets
I love to roam, no matter where. In the past 2 years, I have been to more places than I have ever been for the rest of my life. The journeys are very refreshing, but I definitely can make the experiences better. This has led me to list down some "must have" items I must get my hands on before the end of the year.
The iphone

Which I have already possess. The thing is I don't get to use if often when I travel. Roaming data is a killer. But with the SIM card removed, it actually serves as a good note taking and multi-media device. Not to mention that it's camera does help when I need to take snapshots of signs and notices.
The phone saved me from boredom in a few occasions when I was waiting for my flights.
The ipad

Yes, this is the dream device of the year. With this device, I can bring my presentation slides out and do a whole day of planning in a cafe. But I know this gotta wait.
The macbook pro 13"

The macbook air fits my ideal except that it does not equate in computational power compared to this one. This is however, a good to have if I achieved certain levels in my dream chart this year. Maybe if I can really roam the world doing work remotely as and when I like, I'll get this.
Maybe I can wait for the next refresh? It's unlikely though :)