Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dancing with the stars

7 minutes of pure inspiration. This clip makes me want to master the samba so I definitely will be taking inter samba. I'm just thinking if I should continue with Rumba but the idea of doing things half way really disgusts me.

Anyway, something just reinforced the concept that wherever there's humans, there's politics. But you can choose to be in or out.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm feeling very disappointed right now because I'm having too little control on how my life should be.

Social responsibilities, family expectations, personal hopes, dreams, work ethics, wishes, commitments... they all seem so heavy now. Everytime I thought I got it right, reality will slap me awake. They just can't go together. Social responsibilities against dreams, family expectations against wishes.

On the bright side, this is probably a reminder. Never get too comfortable. Never settle. :)

I feel a little tired with people trying to decide how I should live, even with the best intentions.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Random thoughts at 3am with a very itchy foot

I am really running out of time.....

Do I really have the right formula for life?

How long will this last?

I really have to treasure family ties

I don't understand what family problem is about. But I guess it takes really matured thinking to have a problem free family. In any case, give and take.

I'm aware of my problems but should I change them? Will it be for the better?

Sometimes I wish there's a shortcut to where I wanna be and I feel ashamed that I'll think that way

how do you change the set of thinking that's been around for centuries?

My bubble's about to burst

About desensitization

It's the end of the week again so here goes the same rubbish...

This time, I'm thinking about how weeks and months just passed like they're not significant at all, yet all the while important things are happening.

It's like travelling down a road at high speed. The beautiful scenery passed so quicky there's no time to admire, but the distance is covered. And when people asked if you've been to those places, you say YES and they go WOW. And you begin to wonder if you've really been to those places.

That's the best I can describe this before my bedtime. And no, it's very different from following motion. It's desensitization. Things that should cause excitment don't give you any feelings at all.

I believe it's not something bad though

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

An apple one day!!!

After months of expressing my lust over his iphone, Bernard told me that he might sell it to me soon, because the next generation of iphone is going to be out....


Monday, April 13, 2009

Dancing like lovers

Dancing Like Lovers - Mary MacGregor

This is my favourite song for the week :) I hope I have the chance to dance to this music again.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How do we get endless inspirations?

Today, like any other sundays, I spent an hour in the library with my laptop and a few books on Waltz, SQL programming, interior design and business management. And as you can tell, I didn't really know what I was doing in the Library, except that I was looking for my constant dose of inspiration.

About a year ago, I realised that I was doing too little with my life. 24 years and I was under achieving. As much as I hated to agree with that, I had to admit that I was hiding too much in my comfort zone. I seldom ventured out of it to explore what I can do with my life. And after giving it a few tries, I found I can fall in love with anything!

Everything that happened after was a blessing. I ended up in a job that's too good to be a first job. I picked up a few other hobbies such as dancing. And speaking of which, I had never ever imagined I would take up dancing!

The story goes like this. Long long time ago, which is like er... one year ago, I watched an interesting movie called Step Up 2 and I was impressed with the moves. I jio-ed T, who was in similar circumstances as I was, to join break dancing with me. He told me he knew of a studio and said he'll arrange for classes. Then 2 months later, he told me he decided against it cos we're too old to break our bones. I almost jumped over to bite him for wasting my precious 2 months.

1 month later, he told me that he knew of a ballroom dancing class that's fun and said he'll arrange for classes. I didn't hear from him for another 2 months after that. Then one day while I was visiting a friend's church, he told me he signed us up for classes.

And it was hurray to ballroom dancing. T did not attend a single lesson but he introduced us to a new hobby. Weiguang and I ended up joining that class and Yuwen got in under influence. And Weiguang proposed to her in class. Ahahaha.

Since today's the last day of the current dance classes, I shall write more about what happened in dance classes. The most obvious observation for myself is that I am OBVIOUSLY not dancer material. And that is an understatement because I don't even progress like how a normal person would. It was initially depressing to be the slowest person in class. Allan, out of concern, would come to me from time to time and asked if I understood everything he said. It was a really difficult question to answer.

You see, I understand the words when he told us to "Press harder on the floor" "Step on panadols" or "Squeeze harder and isolate the muscles" or "feel your partner's weight with your closed palms" or "Lead your partner with energy!" But translating that to something I need to do, it's really difficult for me. It doesn't help when I look around and everyone else was nodding in agreement. I felt really stupid in that class.

All the while I was looking at people who progressed so fast that I gave myself so much pressure and I didn't enjoy dancing at all. A few times, I just stood quietly at the corner and hoped the dance lessons would end soon. It was never me to leave the lesson halfway unless I have to. But the pressure drained all my energy, all the joy I could enjoy in class. I kept thinking why I couldn't do a simple weight transfer. Why I seemed to be a deaf man dancing in the music. Why couldnn't the beats follow me!!! Of course, the more I suck at something, the more I want to do it properly.

So I signed up to do the medal test and went out there to dance in front of everyone. It wasn't a big ddeal, but it helped me overcome a few things. Firstly, I never did find time to practise during the weekdays until I decided to sign up. Secondly, I just wanted to get the comments of the judges. Thirdly, and unexpectedly, the examinations iinvolved dancing infront of a crowd and i had to overcome that. And fourthly, I worked my ass to fix up the mirrors on the wall.

Like all other things, committing into something will definitely yield some results. I still dance badly, but I think i can get the beats without having to chant out loud now. And I'm feeling more relaxed in the classes, though the technique classes still stress me out.

It felt a little like graduation today because I've seen some results from the events in the past few months. Dance classes will resume on the 9th of May and i'm still thinking which classes to take. Maybe I like to use the time for something else, maybe not. The vision of becoming a decent dancer is very appealling to me.

Ah.... I have digressed away from the topic..... again! I can somehow link all these back because dancing does give me a lot of inspiration. Many techniques in class can be translated to the real life. But it's 12.35am and it's a new exciting work week so... it gotta wait. I do hope I'll write it down sometime in the week because once the thoughts are gone, they'll get forgotten.

Okie!!! Work's coming in a few hours and something important's waiting in the office. Do it well!!!

Somehow, the3 end of the week is always a big thing to me.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The engineers and the girl

During the war, a heated discussion took place among the engineers.

"Now that only 15 planes are left, we need to decide how we should fortify the planes"

"Armour the places with bullet holes! Those places obviously can't withstand attacks!" Said a bright engineer. The rest of the team nodded along.

"No Daddy!" A tiny voice came from the back of the room. It was the engineer's little daughter who was waiting in the corner. " We should protect the places without holes, because the planes that never came back got hit in those places!"
