Monday, November 21, 2005

the gecko

The lizard crawls out of the back of the study table, absorbing its daily dosage of light. Its spherical black eyes are capable of large visual coverage, mapping the 3D world onto a 2D map in its brain. The gecko has no perception of depth, its world is an endless stretch of floor, though it really travels from wall to wall everyday.

Lizards' survival depends largely on instincts. A permanent shadowed area means safety, a sudden shadow means danger. Hence, the lizard in this story hides itself behind the study table, exposing itself only once everyday to absorb some light. It is a dangerous routine, because this is not a place like any other. In any other urban area, geckoes are usually at the end of its food chain, with the birds and rats being blocked out. In this room, there is the Killer.

The Killer belongs to the human race, which normally has no grudges against lizards apart for the occasional clucking noises lizards make. Most of them think lizards are too small and harmless to be a bother, so they allow them into their ecosystem. Some even like lizards because lizards help to keep the insects in check. The killer, however, has great hatred for lizards. And if that is not enough, he constantly remind the other occupant of this territory how pesky lizards are. With so much killing intend, the lizard in this story has lots to fear.

Fortune comes in the form of the other occupant. The occupant constantly ignored the Killer, hinting to him how silly it is to bother himself with a little lizard, especially if he keeps talking about it everyday. That saves the lizard from being swept out from behind the table, but it also prolong its sufferings.

The longer it lives, the more it has to endure the tablequakes. Tablequakes are violent vibrations on tableland. The source is traced back all the way to the angry Killer. Also, the Killer will not give up on talking about the lizard everytime it makes a noise. Though lizards have generally no emotions, this one feels sorry for the occupant.

And they live angrily ever after...

Thursday, November 17, 2005


The next time there's a problem you can't solve, go for a looong run.

You see, while you're running, there's no other things to distract you from your thoughts. And if you can't think of a solution at the end of it, at least you'll become fitter. Running with loads on your head also help you forget the pain. Before you know it, you've cleared the ultimate slope... Ta Da!!!

Do you think when you're older, you evade your problems rather than solving them? The older I become, the lesser I spend time on thinking. That's because I know for most of the things, there's a standard way to solve them... e.g. Late for gathering.... plan A, sms to say I'm stuck in a traffic jam... plan B, turn my watch 1hr back.... Solutions to most problems we face in life have been rehearsed over and over again, hence we become reluctant to think about them. Problem.... evade... another problem.... evade.....

Saturday, November 05, 2005


Every afternoon I wake, I find my alarm clock on the floor in pieces. Fortunately it still works after fixing back the pieces. I like to believe that I'm not the one knocking the alarm clock to the floor but the hands always stop at the time I'm supposed to wake. I tried putting the alarm clock further beyond my normal reach yesterday but it still ended up on the floor when I wake. I'm really worried I'll not wake for my exams... maybe I need a grandfather clock

All my belongings look as though they've been through war. My last bottle was a bottle First class because it has dents all over. My MD player, though functional, displays funny characters and letters and occasionally refuse to function. My new bag is already torn on the inside. The pens I buy never last more than 2 weeks because I like to twirl pens until the ink spill.

我是个粗鲁人, even for my size

Friday, November 04, 2005

just complaining


Why are the lives of Singaporean students so hectic huh??? Now that exams are round the corner, I still have to worry about ECA stuffs because camp preparation is crucial at this time. I know I can always choose to just study and learn nothing else but that will make me a real nerd when I grow.... talk about leadership qualities and management skills..... the main curriculum where got teach??? U gotta attain that thru other means... like joining EXTRA CURRICULUM..... and that will only mean extra work!!!! So it's a choice between being a nerd or working yourself to DEATH

NB!!!!!! So what's the focus of the education system?????

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Fighting the living fossil

I'm not writing about my teacher...

As I was brushing my teeth, I felt a sensation at my right foot. Something was fiddling with my toes. I looked down at my foot and to my horror, I saw a GIANT cockcroach resting on my foot!!! Chicken nehneh!!! Pleasant surprise at 3 am...

I stared at the cockcroach for a while as it scavenged for dead skin and rotten flesh. I then moved my foot a little so that the cockcroach would move away. It did.... and I traced its movement all the way towards Weihao's door. I felt very tempted to open Weihao's door so that it becomes his problem, but cannot be so evil lah. I have a feeling this cockcroach was "reared" in my room because I saw a baby size cockcroach some time back and I do have funny sensations at my feet when I sleep.

I armed myself with a slipper and moved towards Weihao's door where it was resting. I thought it's pretty ridiculous to attack the cockcroach there because Weihao would think I'm mad for banging his door in the middle of the night. So I waited for the cockcroach to move to the side of the door where I launched my first attack... PAING!!!! missed.... and I got the cockcroach flying towards me in retaliation. It barely missed my face as I dodged. I quicky returned to my room for plan B..... SHIELDTOX!!!

Carrying what I thought was Shieldtox, I returned to the bathroom again. The cockcroach was happily resting on a wall, totally forgotten the near death experience a moment ago. I sprayed at the cockcroach and the whole bathroom smelled nice. I realised I was holding the air freshener instead of the pesticide, but it was just as deadly. The cockcroached slipped from the wall and fell into the hole where the water is drained and it drowned there (I think), but just in case the cockcroach managed to survive... I added water and shampoo into the sewer. I gave the cockcroach a sparkling clean death!

That ended my little adventure in my boring life. Back to the lecture notes....

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

华文 and table


但也觉得奇怪,他是称赞我呢? 还是觉得本地人都不大会说华语?

On another issue.......