I'm rediscovering joy in things that I used to do but haven't been to doing them because of various reasons.
I started playing badminton and squash and I lost every single match, but I'll feel refreshed after the games.
I started playing basketball again and i found that it's really fun to work in a team. Everytime my team scored, i'll feel good even if i'm not the scorer, cos I have contributed somehow..... i think.
I'm talking to many of my old friends and I'm glad they still remember me.
I listen to songs in the 90's and they bring back lots of sweet memories. MLTR always remind me of Hai sing NPCC... the strongest ECA back then. I can still remember the NPCC room, the smelly basement, the rifles and the chicken rice. Yup... that plate of oily chicken rice... and the oily aunty.
I miss hanging out with my talk cock buddies till the wee hours. Something that's increasingly difficult cos all of us are growing old and we need our sleep. But it's still fun to have it once in a while.
I miss writing stories on my blog... and I'm going to try doing that again